A Hat in Time Wiki:Top Priority Projects

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See also: Category:Article stubs

To keep things organized, we've assembled a comprehensive to-do-list in the form of this page. Basically, this is what we need to do, in order from highest priority to lowest.

For the Page Templates, visit the Wiki Discord!

Feel free to add more projects as you wish. Just make sure to detail what you're trying to achieve.


  • Adding Sticker Locations
    • The stickers currently don't have any guide. So we'll need to take care of that.
  • Updating Collectibles - Specifically The List of All Collectibles.
    • The list is currently missing a lot of collectibles, as well as pictures. Also, it's ordering could do some work.
    • Specifically, every single collectibles in Nyakuza Metro are missing, as well as every pictures for The Arctic Cruise.
    • Also, we'll need to merge the collectible tables inside the pages for worlds into 1 single page.
  • Rewrite pages for Worlds - Those include the 10 pages in the worlds section of the Main Page.
    • They haven't been touched up yet, and still has content from 4 or 5 years ago at this point, which might be outdated (Except for The Spaceship).
    • Also, the pages for Dream World and Memory Realm are entirely new, which doesn't have much content.
  • Touching up non-rift Missions pages
    • Those have the base structure, as well as strategies established already (or in other words, they're level 1 stubs). So the only thing left to do is to write a summary for them. You can look at Award Ceremony for reference.
  • Achievement Page
    • The plan is to condense every single achievements into 1 page, as they're pretty short.
  • Rewriting Deathwishes
    • Those aren't touched yet, so we'll need to rewrite them.
    • The most important thing should be adding strategies and guides.
  • Taking care of Rift Missions
    • Most of those are completely empty. We'll need to fill those in according to the template.
  • Modding
    • Expand modding in general, guides and general info is encouraged. See this example Modding Introduction.
  • Speedrunning
    • Explain speedrunning strategies!