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Emblems are small icons that appear under the Act info window. They are awarded for completing specific challenges.


Zero Jumps
0 jumps emblem.pngThis emblem can be obtained by beating the level without jumping.

Speedrun emblem.pngThis emblem can be obtained by beating the level under an unknowable time limit.

All Yarn
All yarn emblem.pngThis emblem can be obtained by collecting all of the level's Yarn.

All Rift Tokens
All rift tokens emblem.pngThis emblem can be obtained by collecting all of the level's Rift Tokens.

All Rift Pons
All rift pons token.pngThis emblem can be obtained by collecting all of the level's Rift Pons. All of them must be collected on a single attempt.

All Storybook Pages
Storybook all pages emblem.pngThis emblem can be obtained by collecting all of the level's Storybook Pages. All of them must be collected on a single attempt.

Friend Message
Online friend emblem.pngThis emblem can be obtained by finding a Friend Message somewhere inside the level.
Friend Messages are small yellow circles floating in the air, that show a sticker or speech upon approach, along with the Steam nickname of the steam friend who placed it. The messages don't make sounds. A Friend Message can be placed by sending a sticker or a speech message while inside the level. It is currently unknown what the limit of placeable Friend Messages is, or whose messages exactly can be found. Friend Messages can appear in custom Workshop levels, if placed by the creator.

Developer Message
Developer message emblem.pngThis emblem can be obtained by finding a Developer Message somewhere inside the level[1].
They appear in pre-determined spots, selected by A Hat in Time developers. Developer Messages are near identical to Friend Messages in appearance, except for their color, which is pink, as opposed to Friend Messages' yellow. Developer Messages always contain Holographic stickers, the nicknames always start with "[GfB]" and contain developer names.


  • The time requirement for the Speedrun emblem may be more strict on some levels than others.
  • Some levels may require incredibly specific strategies and perhaps even glitches for the Zero Jumps emblem, as no accommodations are made in order to make it easier to obtain.
  • If multiple levels take place on the same map, all of them will obtain the All Yarn and All Rift Tokens emblems when the appropriate requirements are fulfilled. The player will need to enter all of them before they appear on the act select screen, however.
  • If a level doesn't contain any Yarn, Rift Tokens, Rift Pons or Storybook Pages, then their emblems cannot be obtained in it.
  • Some levels contain multiple Developer Messages.


Steam Update Announcement



in-game screenshot of 5 Emblems


  1. Not to be confused with the "Sod Off Cheese" hidden throughout some levels out of the player's reach.