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Hat Kid keeps are her items safe in her handy and reliable back pack!

Hat Kid will find many items lying around throughout her journey. Each one has a use and purpose.

Important Items

The most valuable items Hat Kid will come across in her journey.

Name Image Description
Kid's Hat Default.png
Hat Kid can collect balls of yarn during her adventure, and if enough are collected she can stitch together a new Hat. Each hat has its own special power, such as the Sprint Hat's ability to run quickly.
Hookshot Badge.png
Hat Kid can pin Badges on her hat for special abilities. The effects of the badges vary in utility from the Hookshot Badge to Mumble Badge. At first Hat Kid can only pin one badge to her hat, but eventually she gains the ability to pin up to three badges.
Time Pieces
Time Pieces are fuel for Hat Kid's spaceship. When the Mafia tried to collect a toll from her for flying above Mafia Town, all of the time pieces were sucked out into space, from where they rained down onto the planet.


Pons are found all over the world and can be found in three different varieties; green, red and rift.

Name Image Description
Green Pons
Green Pons are used as currency to buy Badges, set up Relics, and unlock certain acts.

Clusters of green pons can be found aswell: when touched they will create several green pons in a line, and collecting them all quickly will cause something to happen, such as the one in Mafia Town which will cause a staircase to rise.

Heart Pons
Red Pon.png
Red Pons restore Hat Kid's health by one.
Rift Pons
Rift Pon.png
Rift Pons, which are special pons found only in purple Time Rifts, are used to to get to the next area within a rift.


Name Image Description
You can't make hats out of nothing, and that's where yarn comes in! Yarn balls are scattered across every act, and getting enough of them allows you to stitch new hats. Each hat has its own type of yarn, but you only need one of each type once to make a specific hat. After that you just need enough yarn to make it!
Relics can be found scattered throughout the world, and it's up to Hat Kid to collect them all. Once the Relics have been collected, you may assemble them on a Relic Stand on your ship.
Rift Token
Rift Token.png
Kaching! These tokens can be used on the Roulette in the Spaceship. They’re tricky to find, so gamble responsibly!
Scattered in the Time Rifts, there are pages to collect that complete a bigger story. All storybook pages can be seen here: spoiler warning!
HatKid Blerp.png
Starting with the second DLC these stickers allow the player to add up to 3 customization images to Hat Kid's weapon as well as their corresponding effects to Hat Kid's Emote wheel. Stickers can also be used as decorations for screens taken with the Camera Badge.
Obtainable only in Vanessa's Curse (DLC) from collecting a crown in Queen Vanessa's mansion during a round as a part of the Snatcher's team. Can be used to exchange with the Snatcher for new customizations.
Obtainable only in Vanessa's Curse (DLC) from cursing another player during a round as part of Queen Vanessa's team. Can be used to exchange with the Badge Seller for new customizations.

Check here for a list of all collectables.

Customization Items

Name Image Description
Hat Flairs
Kid's Hat Uncommon.png
Hat Flairs are copies of other hats Hat Kid already owns, but with a different aesthetic design. Most hats have three hat flairs each. The only exceptions to these are Kid's Hat which has four, the Brewing Hat which has one, and the Time Stop Hat which has zero.
Color Palettes
The Justice.png
New Colors will change the color of Hat Kid's outfit, and sometimes her hair as well. She can unlock a total of 11 colors.
Remixes will change the music of a stage/boss if the player wants to. To change music, they must talk to the Express Owls in the Machine Room of her ship.