Rift Collapse: Mafia of Cooks

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Rift Collapse: Mafia of Cooks is the first Time Rift challenge provided by Death Wish in A Hat in Time. It takes place in the Mafia of Cooks time rift. While structurally the same, the locations of the Rift Pons have changed, and Hat Kid is under a time limit and must beat the rift before that limit is up.


Like most early Death Wishes, the levels tend to remain relatively unchanged from their non-Death Wish variants. Following suit, this Rift Collapse plays very similarly to its normal counterpart with the rift pon locations changing slightly, the level seems to be mirrored to the original, and the added twists of a time limit and a lives counter (lives will be removed once the level has been completed).

This level introduces several new mechanics that are introduced to the player to make the level more challenging one of which is a set time limit. This timer is set and cannot be slowed down using the Time Stop hat so time is crucial into completing the level. Time, however, does stop when using the Camera Badge in case the player wants to look around their surroundings for the rift pons, it is recommended to use this badge to get familiar with the rift pon locations.

Another mechanic introduced is a lives counter. The player has a set amount of tries for completing the level. Once the player dies, one life is taken. After 3 tries, the game will display a "Game Over" screen and transport the player back to the hub and level will be locked for 5 minutes before another attempt can be done. The level will also be locked if the player leaves the level before losing all three lives. Challenging another Death Wish level will remove the locked timer.

These mechanics will later be used in other future Rift Collapse levels.

First World

Rift Pons: 0
Exit Cost: 0
When the level starts the timer starts! The first world is pretty simple since there are no pons. The friendly Mafia Goon is no longer present in this rift so it is best to go straight for the exit to the next world.

Second World

Rift Pons: 5
Exit Cost: 3

Third World

Rift Pons: 6
Exit Cost: 4

Fourth World

Rift Pons: 0
Exit Cost: 0

Fifth World

Rift Pons: 6
Exit Cost: 5

Sixth World

Rift Pons: 6
Exit Cost: 5

Seventh World

Rift Pons: 0
Time Pieces: 1

Peace and Tranquility

Pon Cost: Pons.png x77

Bonus Challenges