Help and Resources

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This page will document and provide useful sources for certain topics that are relevant to modding, sometimes not everything is answered or will be documented especially for very specific situations or requests as such it is highly recommended to join the A Hat in Time Discord server for all your modding questions, it has an entire section for modding, with #modding-help for help or questions.

Useful Resources

  • The Official A Hat in Time Discord server provides an entire category for Modding purposes including threads for "Modding Resources" and "Giving/Taking a Modding Idea" under #modding-general, considered the best source of modding information in the community.
    • Note: If you join the server a lot of the channels might be hidden for a while until you are automatically assigned the "Member" role, be patient.
  • Unreal Development Kit documentation is a reliable resource for developers and modders as A Hat in Time was built on this engine, a huge majority of the documentation applies to the game.
  • a code repository for scripts built by modders for A Hat in Time, containing libraries, code snippets for scripting, HUDs, Kismet and much more, feel free to contribute!
  • GitHub Topics #ahatintime and #ahatintime-mods are either playable mods or useful libraries or scripts to solve specific problems, similar to
  • Steam Guides especially in the Modding and Configuration section provides useful modding resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

My map/package got corrupted, can I recover it?

Yes using the Auto Save feature, Auto Save is built into the Editor and will save the currently open map, make sure its checked at the bottom right corner of the Editor window, for best experience set it 30 minutes unless you are concerned a lot over upcoming crashes than set it to 15/5 minutes per save.

Auto Saves are saved here:


Auto Save creates up to 10 files, overriding the oldest one, please make sure to sort by "Date Modified" to get the most recent one, all of them are named as follows: [MAP_FILE_NAME]_Auto[NUMBER], example: my_example_map_Auto7.

My Editor is missing some buttons

Make sure Simplified Editor is disabled. At the menu bar, click "Preferences" -> 2nd to last button "Simplified Editor" make sure it is unchecked.

I cannot click transparent objects

Look for a K icon then on its right of it there's a light blue rectangle that looks like glass this is the "Allow Translucent Selection" check it when you want to click transparent objects, uncheck it otherwise.

My Editor's camera settings are messed up

If you cannot see some volumes or sprites to click or something doesn't look right with the camera then you might have clicked a shortcut combination.

At the top left corner where it says "Modes" next to it to the right a "dropdown rectangle" click it, click/hover on "Show" then click "Reset to Defaults". This will reset your camera settings.

My Content Browser isn't showing my mod's or A Hat in Time's assets

This is because that package or some of it is currently unloaded, this is done to save memory and performance, you can right click any package or folder to "Fully Load" that package, it is EXTREMELY NOT RECOMMENDED to do that to the A Hat in Time EditorCookedPC folder because it will ALWAYS crash. You can load certain packages one at the time to see all of its content however.

When compiling scripts, the shown line for the error is incorrect

When compiling defaultproperties block is completely ignored until last which results in those lines being none-existent and offsetting the entire file. For best experience and especially being best practice, is to always put defaultproperties at the bottom of the file. This results in the compiler's provided errors on which line to be always correct.