Storybook Pages

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Storybook Pages are collectibles found in Memory Rifts (Or Purple Time Rifts) that will form a storybook at the end of the mission. They tell a story of the characters, and/or the location in the past. However, it may be drawn from a subjective view.

Mafia's Grand Voyage

Mafia's Grand Voyage tells the story of the Mafia and their boss, from their once simple, tiring life as factory workers to their ocean voyage and eventual takeover of the island they would name Mafia Town.

This storybook is found in the Mafia of Cooks Memory Rift, with a total of 7 pages scattered around.

Conductor and Grooves' Big Dreams

Conductor and Groove's Big Dreams tells the story of The Conductor and DJ Grooves, from their youthful inspirations to pursue movie-making careers to their chance encounter that would make them rivals.

This storybook is found in the Dead Bird Studio Memory Rift, with a total of 9 pages scattered around.

The Tale of Queen Vanessa

The Tale of Queen Vanessa tells the story of Queen Vanessa, and by proxy, The Snatcher, and how a misunderstanding leads to a broken heart and a tragic conclusion to their relationship.

This storybook is found in the Sleepy Subcon Memory Rift, with a total of 10 pages scattered around.

The Twilight Ascent

The Twilight Ascent tells the story of a lone Goat traveler's journey to the top of Alpine Skyline, eventually ascending to the stars via the Twilight.

This storybook is found in the Alpine Skyline Memory Rift, with a total of 6 pages scattered around.

The Hero (obviously)

The Hero (obviously) tells the story of Mustache Girl from her point of view of when the Mafia took over her home, and how their actions eventually drove her to become a rebel. It serves as an extension to Mafia's Grand Voyage.

This storybook is found in the Tour Memory Rift, with a total of 10 pages scattered around.

Lost At Sea

Lost At Sea tells the story of the Walrus Captain, his relationship with his mentor, and how his mentor's passing would turn his life upside down.

This storybook is found in the Deep Sea Memory Rift, with a total of 10 pages scattered around.

One Last Journey

One Last Journey tells the story of Rumbi, and his perspective of Hat Kid's adventure.

This storybook is found in the Rumbi Factory Memory Rift, with a total of 11 pages scattered around.

The Nomads

The Nomads tells the story of the eponymous Nomads, and how they were able to build the civilization of Alpine Skyline along with the Goats. Serves as an extension to The Twilight Ascent.

This storybook is found in The Mountain Community Rift, with a total of 9 pages scattered around.

The Forgotten Children

The Forgotten Children tells the story of the Subcon Dwellers following the disaster that befell their village, and how some of them became minions of The Snatcher. Serves as an extension to The Tale of Queen Vanessa.

This storybook is found in the Twilight Travels Community Rift, with a total of 9 pages scattered around.

Groovy Underdog

Groovy Underdog tells the story of DJ Grooves, the Moon Penguins and their commitment to protecting their idol. Serves as an extension to Conductor and Groove's Big Dreams.

This storybook is found in the Rhythm Jump Studio Community Rift, with a total of 9 pages scattered around.