Mafia Boss

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The Mafia Boss is a major character of A Hat in Time, and the main antagonist of Chapter 1. He is the leader of the Mafia of Cooks and ruler of Mafia Town.

After gruesomely exploding in his battle with Hat Kid, all that remains of him were purple mush, his eyes, mustache and hat. All were gathered and assembled into a jar by Mustache Girl.


Mafia Boss is a small, round man. He is usually seen in a red outer coat with yellow stripes, white long-sleeved chef coat and a big red-rimmed chef hat. He wears dark gray trousers accompanied with a blue belt, and brown shoes. He has blue eyes, thick eyebrows, zappa-styled black beard, and a mustache.

Compared to the regular Mafia Goon, his proportions are considerably different, having a smaller face and smaller limbs. Due to this, he looks like he's shorter than a typical Mafia Goon, despite being about the same height as one, and even taller counting his hat.

After the showdown with Hat Kid in Down with the Mafia!, he explodes into purple liquid. Sticking to her plans, Mustache Girl gathers his remains, and put them into a jar. Therefore, for distinguishing purposes, let's assign a separate moniker to his new form, "Jarfia Boss". Jarfia Boss has the appearance of, well, a jar. Inside the jar is purple goo, two floating eyes, and a pair of thick eyebrows. Jarfia Boss bears the distinguishing features of his former self, those being his chef hat, wide nose and black mustache. In this new form, he is severely physically limited, not being able to move around on his own, and only slightly bounce or rotate in place.


Mafia Boss is an angry, rude and presumptious person. He has the personality of the typical mob boss, taking pride in his leadership, and is willing to toy with and torment anyone that doesn't belong to the Mafia of Cooks. Such as when Hat Kid encounters him for the first time, he confidently states that he is "the most powerful man" Hat Kid has ever met, and that her Timepiece now belongs to him.

Despite his nature, he seems to care deeply for his mafia members. As seen in Mafia's Grand Voyage storybook, he used to own a fish processing factory, and the Mafia Goons were actually his workers. Due to how exhausting the work was for him and everyone, he decided to take them out on a grand adventure, in search of a better life. Eventually, they arrive at the island where Mustache Girl resided, and the rest is history.


Mafia Town

Mafia Boss serves the role of the overarching antagonist, and the main antagonist of Mafia Town. As seen in the Mafia's Grand Voyage storybook, Mafia Town wasn't originally Mafia Town, but was taken over by the Mafia. He can't be found in any acts outside of Down with the Mafia!, but his presence is still felt, in the form of graffitis all over the town. In which, they were most likely made by Mustache Girl to spite the Mafia.

Down with the Mafia!

Titularly, this act is where Hat Kid faces Mafia Boss as the ultimate opponent of Chapter 1. Starting the act, Hat Kid will, alongside Mustache Girl, enter the Mafia HQ. After a puzzle and a brief platforming section, Hat Kid enters the throne room, where all the Mafia's treasure is kept, and where Mafia Boss stays at. Mafia Boss will jump out of his throne, telling Hat Kid that the Timepieces have been raining from the sky ever since her arrival, and that he is the most powerful man she's ever faced. He'll immediately set a battle, to decide who gets the Timepiece "in Mafia Style".

The battle against Mafia Boss is the first true bossfight of the game, serving as a tutorial to advanced combat, to prepare Hat Kid for her next adventures. It takes the form of a stage fight, with Hat Kid only being able to move in a 2D plane.

His primary weapons are two red cleavers, which he will use in most of his attacks. The battle will start off with a spin attack, Mafia Boss will start spinning with his cleavers and slide back and forth on the stage. Hat Kid cannot smack him with her Umbrella or the Brewing Hat when he's performing this attack, which leaves only one option, being the homing attack. After Hat Kid hits him once, he'll jump off the stage and whistle for sandbags to fall, which she will have to dodge. For his next attack, he'll hop to either side of the stage, and start spinning. He will not slide around this time, instead, thunder will strike at his position, and yellow balls of electricity will run over the stage, which Hat Kid needs to jump over, otherwise she'll be zapped. This attack is called the "Supercharge".

After a few smacks, Mafia Boss will stop using the spin attack and Supercharge. With only the sandbags attack remaining, it'll also include a mafia running by, which Hat Kid has to jump over while dodging sandbags at the same time. A new attack will be introduced: Mafia Boss will jump to the back side of the stage, throw his two cleavers to either side of the arena, then hop directly on top of Hat Kid's position. Meanwhile, the cleavers will fly back to him, and he'll be vulnerable, giving Hat Kid a chance to smack him. He'll then drop down from the ceiling a surprise: Mustache Girl - now hung on a rope. He then says that both her and Hat Kid will soon perish.

After another smack, Mafia Boss will hop to the right side of the stage, and calls on "Mafia Ball". Unsurprisingly, after he calls on the attack, lots of Mafia Goons will jump onto the stage, and form into a very big ball, being a whopping eight Hat Kids tall. Mafia Boss will stay on top and roll it back and forth on the arena. The ball will have a gap inside it, which Hat Kid can hop in to climb up and attack Mafia Boss. If Hat Kid were unsure of what to do, Mustache Girl will tell her to "Hit him already", and to "Crawl up and hit him". After hitting Mafia Boss and destroying the Mafia Ball, Mafia Boss will become enraged, and introduce the last attack he had in store. He'll start the attack similarly to Supercharge, but this time, it's called "Ultracharge". As the name suggests, this is a faster version of Supercharge, and additionally with bouncing spark orbs, restricting Hat Kid's ability to double-jump and giving her considerably less room to dodge. After a plethora of electric hazards, Hat Kid can finally hit him once more. Just kidding, when Ultracharge proves itself to be ineffective against Hat Kid, Mafia Boss will unleash "Megacharge", being a red, even faster and probably more dangerous version (obviously, it's red so it must be very dangerous) of Ultracharge. Those two attacks are performed consecutively, making it arguably the most difficult attack in this fight. From then on, Mafia Boss will repeat the Mafia Ball, Ultracharge and Megacharge until Hat Kid lands the final blow, exploding him into purple mush.

Hat Kid's Spaceship

After Hat Kid has collected 12 Timepieces, an intruder will be detected on her spaceship. Upon investigating, Hat Kid encounters a chef-hat-wearing, mustached Jar full of purple liquid, and two floating eyes inside the Machine Room. This Jar claims that Hat Kid and it are "Arch Nemesises", and now they've finally met again. Hat Kid however, does not recall who it is. It will then call Hat Kid rude, revealing that it is actually the Mafia Boss, and that Mustache Girl gathered his remains into a jar after the battle. Jarfia Boss then demands Hat Kid's body, as an "apology gift". Hat Kid however, denies the kind offer, in which Jarfia Boss replies that he'll just buy a new body instead. A shop stall then forms itself into existence, with Jarfia Boss saying that he'll sell Hat Kid a badge that can point to any secrets or whereabouts on the planet (those being Relics and Rift Tokens).

From then on, Jarfia Boss will stay on Hat Kid's Spaceship without serving much purpose, especially after Hat Kid bought his badge.

Time's End

The Jarfia Boss can be found standing in line outside of the castle, waiting to be judged. Hat Kid can talk to him, but he'll only complain that the lava around the scenery makes the temperature very high, and that his liquid is boiling.

Bon Voyage!

In the first act of The Arctic Cruise, Jarfia Boss will serve the role of a minor character. Hat Kid can interact with him two different times.

First time is right the start of the act, after the cutscene of the Walrus Captain talking on his radio. He can be seen standing...? Sitting?? on top of some luggage, besides a Mafia Goon. When Hat Kid talks to him, he'll claim that Hat Kid is trying to torment him by booking a trip on the only cruise with facilities for people in jars, and that he'd take his revenge right that moment if he weren't in a pleasant holiday mood.

To talk to him the second time, Hat Kid will have to platform to a balcony on the second-top floor of the garden, and find him on top of a table. He'll complain that the little seals are driving him mad, and that at least Hat Kid has the good grace to be quiet.

Ship Shape

In the second act of The Arctic Cruise, Hat Kid will become part of the ship crew, in hopes of getting a reward from the Found Lots of Stuff. Sometimes, a task will prompt Hat Kid to take Jarfia Boss and deliver him around. He doesn't have any dialogue in this act.

Rock the Boat

In the finale of The Arctic Cruise, Jarfia Boss can be found on top of a pole, while the S.S Literally Can't Sink is sinking. He'll act as a rescuee in this act, and (again) does not have any dialogue.


See Mafia Boss/Gallery


  • If the player uses cheats to visit the Mafia Boss' location in Bon Voyage! while the cruise is sinking, Mafia Boss can be found on the same table, complaining about the seals as if he were in Bon Voyage!.
  • Through his dialogue at the start of Bon Voyage!, Earth seemingly has a big population of people in jars, to the point where tourism facilities had to integrate service for them.
  • Through his dialogue in Bon Voyage!, it can be concluded that Mafia Boss hates cute things.
  • Mafia Boss's dialogue before the battle was changed in an undefined patch after release. Interestingly, while both speeches open and close with the same dialogue, they use different reads of the same lines. For example, the first line is said in a noticeably quieter tone in the original script. The changes are as follows:
Older Version Updated Version

"So... it is you!"

"So... it is you!"

"Ever since you landed in Mafia Town, it's been raining with Time Pieces."

"Ever since you landed in Mafia Town, it's been raining with these magical hourglasses."

"You must be very lost, kid with the hat. I haven't seen Time Pieces for over a hundred years."

"You must be very lost, kid with the hat. You're in the heart of our town, standing before the most powerful man you will ever witness. Everything you've ever owned belongs to me now."

"In any case, this piece belongs to the Mafia. If you want it, we'll have to settle it in true Mafia style!"

"Including this hourglass piece. If you want it, we'll have to settle it in true Mafia style!"

"Lights! Action! It is... showtime."

"Lights! Action! It is... showtime."