Cooking Cat

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The Cooking Cat is a minor character that Hat Kid meets in Chapter 1: Mafia Town. She claims that The Mafia's cooks are actually terrible at cooking, and that she replaces the food with her cooking so no-one gets sick.

She lives in the rafters of Mafia Headquarters, and is surrounded by a pile of fish and a few buckets of lobster.

Later on, she enters Hat Kid's Spaceship, telling her things about Relics. She stays there for the rest of the game in the kitchen. If you talk to her after the Relic conversation she will then ask Hat Kid if she is a "meat" or a "veggie type of person." Her response will depend on what you chose.

Cooking Cat reappears in The Finale in the middle of the 1st and 2nd phase of Mustache Girl's fight, joining the rest of the cast in telling Mustache Girl to get lost.


  • Several characters make mention of Cooking Cat having a television show based around the preparation and tasting of food.
  • Cooking Cat is referred to with both he/him and she/her pronouns in the final game, possibly indicating that she uses both.
    • The former is seen with the first two Mafia Goons in Act 1, if they are spoken to again after the initial double jumping tutorial.
    • The latter is seen in Nyakuza Metro, where some cats can sometimes be heard discussing her cooking show.