The Captain

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The Walrus Captain (or simply, The Captain) is a major character in A Hat in Time. He is the captain of a cruise ship, the "SS Literally Can't Sink" - where Chapter 6 - The Arctic Cruise takes place.


The Captain is a large, brown walrus. He is usually seen wearing a captain uniform shirt, and a sharp sailor's cap with a ship steering wheel emblem. He has a big mustache, with a singular huge tusk under. He has human-like arms, which allow him to steer his ship. He can always be spotted smoking two cigarettes.


The Captain can often be grumpy and moody. He seems to always be in a bored/annoyed state, often speaking in an equally monotone voice. He could be a bit condescending to his crew at times, often calling them useless or annoying.

At first, he could be seen as jerky or rude at first, but all this might be the result of depression. As seen in Lost At Sea storybook, when he was a young student, he was tutored by a small, gray seal, let's call him "The Teacher". The Teacher led The Captain through his studies, and dreams of becoming a captain. He was with The Captain from day one to the day he officially became the owner of his own cruise, even presenting him to a set of crew for his new ship. All was going well, all sails where smooth, with their relationship growing ever closer, they decided to start taking care of a single ship together. One day, when The Captain was excitedly thinking of how he can finally sail alongside his closest one, a Seal delivered a letter to him. Opening the letter, he soon learned that The Teacher's ship was involved in a tragic accident, and he sadly couldn't make it. Devastated, The Captain fell into deep depression. He lost a tusk, started developing a smoking addiction, now that he is all alone. He vowed to never let his ship suffer the fate of his Teacher's, even naming it the "S.S Literally Can't Sink".


Bon Voyage!

In the first Act of The Arctic Cruise, he can first be seen outside the ship, near the starting area. When Hat Kid approaches him, a cutscene will play. In it, The Captain will speak through a radio, asking his crew if everything is ready. However, he won't be met with a response, but rather the noise of havoc. If Hat Kid talks to him, he'll express skepticism, saying how Hat Kid looks young to sail alone, and that she shouldn't get in people's ways, and that the Seals already did enough of that.

After Hat Kid boards the ship and discovers the Timepiece's fate, a Seal can be found on a balcony hall, having hurt itself. Hat Kid will then have to bring the Seal to The Captain and seek help. The Captain will express disappointment, that a Seal hurt itself again. He will say that he isn't a doctor, and prompts Hat Kid to "kiss it better" herself. After which, Hat Kid will literally have to kiss the Seal's ouchies to advance in the mission.

Ship Shape

In the Second Act of The Arctic Cruise, The Captain can be found in the cockpit as usual. When Hat Kid approaches him, requesting that she do work around the cruise to acquire the Timepiece from the Found Lots of Stuff, he'll express relief and quickly accept her offer. He informs her of what tasks await her, and starts off the mission with telling her to throw away his trash.

After that, Hat Kid will have to do tasks around the cruise. Those mostly include delivering various items, such as a letter, some batteries, plates of food, wandering babies, etc. If Hat Kid misses too many tasks, or takes too long to complete one, the captain will get more and more angry. This is indicated on the anger-timer-meter on the bottom right of the screen. After Hat Kid finishes 18 tasks, The Captain will call her, saying that she's done enough work, and that she should treat herself to something from the Found Lots of Stuff.

Rock the Boat

In the Finale of The Arctic Cruise, The Captain can be seen on the upper deck, looking out to the sea. When Hat Kid talks to him, he'll shush her off, telling her to go play elsewhere and let him relax for a moment. Seeing a Timepiece on an iceberg in the distance, Hat Kid takes the opportunity, goes to the cockpit and starts steering the cruise to it. Although it's a bit shaky, she is still able to direct the ship where she wanted. Everything seems fine, a Seal is ringing the radio, informing that The Captain wants to speak. "Who's at the wheel? We're headed straight for an iceberg!", The Captain says.

Oopsie Woopsies! The S.S Literally Can't Sink has crashed into a floating iceberg, and is now sinking. Not knowing that the incident is all Hat Kid's fault, The Captain talks to her on the radio. He states that he'd never expected this day to come, that the ship is going to be fully submerged shortly, and that she'd be smart to get on a lifeboat. Feeling responsible for her actions, Hat Kid decides to save everyone from the disaster she's caused instead. After everyone were picked up and put on lifeboats, The Captain informs Hat Kid that she should get on a lifeboat, and that he's going down with his ship. Hat Kid, unconvinced, heads back into the sinking cruise to save him. The Conductor, having just been saved, tells Hat Kid that she needs to get back quickly, or they'll leave without her, nor The Captain. Shortly after, Hat Kid approaches The Captain in the middle of the laundry room. The Conductor now gets impatient, pushes Hat Kid to come back quickly, and that they're leaving right that moment. Hat Kid will then pick The Captain up, and starts escaping the sinking cruise. On the way, The Captain will make various comments that Hat Kid needs to put him down, and how she is so strong.

After Hat Kid successfully brings The Captain to the lifeboat, he'll question her why she didn't let him sink already, that he couldn't drown and he could at least pretend a bit. He'll then realize that without him, the lifeboats wouldn't be able to make it back to shore, and reluctantly accepts Hat Kid's heroic act. The Captain says that he cannot give out refunds, and tells Hat Kid to take the shining thing on the iceberg right next to them, stating that it's funny how they crashed right next to it. A Timepiece will then appear on a boat, ending the story of The Arctic Cruise.



  • Walruses are mammals, meaning they cannot breathe with gills underwater. With this fact, Walruses can drown, and will drown if stayed underwater for too long [1]. This conflicts with The Captain's words, saying he couldn't drown. It is unknown if this was a fact-checking mistake from the developers, or The Captain lied on purpose to lighten the mood.
  • Walruses' tusks can grow continuously throughout their lives[2], but somehow, The Captain lost one in the pair after his mentor passed away
  • Walruses can weight from 800kg up to 1700kg (1764 pounds ~ 3748 pounds), but somehow, Hat Kid can still pick him up with ease, and escape the sinking ship with him on one hand.
  • The Captain's insistence on him dying with the ship is based on the saying "The Captain goes down with the Ship".
    • In marine history, this saying originated from the fact that The Captain has to take full responsibility for any accident that happens to their ship, and they have to devote effort to safe everyone on board, or die trying. They'll have to sacrifice their own safety for others', often resulting in their ultimate demise, or them being the last person to be rescued.[3]
    • Our Captain, however, left the responsibility of getting everyone to safety to a tiny child and stayed inside, awaiting for his death. This hugely violates the tradition of mariners, and the responsibility of a Captain.
    • Although, The Captain likely had a reason behind his decision. As shown in Lost At Sea storybook, The Captain's Teacher passed away in an accident, which might've prompted him to go down with his own ship.