Rock the Boat

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Rock the Boat is the Finale of The Arctic Cruise. In it, Hat Kid crashes the Arctic Cruise into an Iceberg, and must save people in need of rescuing. When everyone are safe and sound, Hat Kid must also save the Walrus Captain, despite no one wanting her to.

Freak Accident

Starting off the act, Hat Kid will drop down onto the top deck. Here, The Captain can be seen smoking and looking to the sea. A bright shine can be seen on top of an iceberg afar, which Hat Kid can use a binocular to look to. Upon inspection, it is a Timepiece.

Naturally, Hat Kid goes to the cockpit, and steers the boat to the Timepiece. Everything seems to work well, even The Captain is calling, possibly to compliment her steering skills.

"Who's at the wheel? We're headed straight for an iceberg! All hands on deck!"

Uh oh.


The Ship just hit an iceberg, and is now sinking. Hat Kid decides to save everyone from the sinking shipwreck. After many rounds of picking up people and dropping them off at a lifeboat, Hat Kid will have to save The Conductor. After he's safe and sound, The Captain speaks through an intercom, saying that they should scram, and leave him to sink with his own ship.

Hat Kid, however, insists that she'll save him. An impatient Conductor decides to put her on a time limit, which they'll leave without her if she couldn't save The Captain in time.

She'll find The Captain on a floating ice platform, inside the laundry room, then somehow pick him up. The timer will reset, as Hat Kid rushes out from the sinking cruise.

Finally, they arrive on the lifeboat. The Captain expresses confusion on why Hat Kid would want to save him, and that at least she should've let him pretend that he couldn't swim for a bit. He'll then realize that the crew wouldn't be able to get everyone back to shore anyway, so Hat Kid did the right thing. He'll say that he won't be able to give out refunds, so Hat Kid could take the shiny thing on top of the iceberg instead. "Funny how we crashed right next to it".


Rock The Boat is an act belonging to the chapter The Arctic Cruise. Taking place in a rather expansive area, many items can be found all around it. A list of every available collectibles on The Cruise can be found here


  • As the ship is now tilted, it is insanely annoying to navigate.
  • Coupling this with the slippering from having to pick people up, this mission is quite a challenge.
  • It is recommended that Hat Kid only pick up one person at a time, as there is no time limit except for the sequence of saving The Captain.
  • Other than that, there's not many things to say, unfortunately. You'll just have to get it right.


  • Bon Voyage! - A calm, friendly track. It utilizes mainly the Accordion as its primary instrument, and plays in the sequence before Hat Kid crashes the ship.
  • Alpine Skyline At Night - An orchestral track, reused from the Finale of Alpine Skyline.
  • Rock The Boat - A tense, stressful track, with very minimal melody, and a metronome-like ticking throughout. It plays during the Captain Rescue sequence.
  • Everyone Rescued - A calm track, utilizing string instruments as its primary, which plays during the cutscene after Hat Kid has saved everyone.
    • This track contains many melodies from Bon Voyage!, to the point where it could be considered a remix.

Diary Entry

After each mission, Hat Kid will express her thoughts into her diary, which can be found inside her pillow fort.

"Uhhhh...... Whoops. I don't think anyone saw me do that. Should I come up with an excuse just in case?"

"It was a freak accident? Icebergs just get in the way of ships sometimes? I really wanted to do it?"


Below is the achievement related to this act, a guide to it can be found by clicking on its name.

Unique Achievements have a golden border around them.

Image Name Description
Achievement29.jpg The Arctic Cruise - All Clear! Collect all Time Pieces in The Arctic Cruise!


  • Snatcher is the only major character on the ship that was not saved during this act. Though given his powers of teleportation, it is likely he was able to get out himself.
  • For unknown reasons, this mission reuses the music from an entirely different chapter, being Alpine Skyline at Night from The Illness Has Spread.