Pink Paw Manhole

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Pink Paw Manhole is the final location The Empress directs Hat Kid to. It can be found by using the Ice Hat to enter the manhole found in Pink Paw Station. Unlike its Yellow and Green counterpart, the Pink Paw Manhole isn't colour-coded, but rather has trains of all 4 colours. The Timepiece is locked behind a forcefield, which Hat Kid will have to disable via collecting 100 Electro Pons.


Entering the Manhole, Hat Kid will drop down onto a small platform. In front of her will be a new type of blue Pons, being Electro Pons. When a certain number of them are collected, they will disable a forcefield.

After hopping on a blue train, and collecting 15 Electro Pons, a forcefield will open, allowing Hat Kid to enter another room.

Here, a Timepiece can be seen locked behind a forcefield, requiring 100 Electro Pons to disable. Many train tracks of varied colours can be found looping around, all with Electro Pons in their path. Hat Kid will have to hop around them to collect the Pons.

After collecting 100 Electro Pons, the Timepiece will be released, allowing Hat Kid to grab it.


The Fabled Wowza! Sticker can be collected via a secret available in this mission. To unlock this challenge, Hat Kid will have to interact with 4 different switches around the Manhole and open a secret door.

Keep in mind though, they will only be available once at least 100 Electro Pons have been collected.




  • As this mission relies heavily on train platforming, it'd be smart if you familiarized yourself with its physics first.
  • There are more than 100 Electro Pons around the Manhole, so you shouldn't be worried about missing them!
  • As this is a Pon-centric Collect-A-Thon mission, the Magnet Badge is highly recommended.
  • As it could be difficult to navigate around moving trains, the Timestop Hat is recommended, as it allows for a much wider reaction gap.
    • As usual, the Timestop Hat should always be paired with the Fast Hatter Badge, as its recharge time is fairly long.


  • Nyakuza Manholes - The track that plays inside of every manhole.
    • A synthwave variant of this track will play when Hat Kid is on top of a train.
  • The Empress - A fancy song, utilizing traditional Japanese string as the primary instrument. It plays when Hat Kid is inside Le Felin at the start of the act.

Diary Entry

After each mission, Hat Kid will express her thoughts in her diary, which can be found inside her pillow fort.

"How many are there in this place? Not that I'm getting to keep any!!!"

"I'm going to sneak in there and get them back somehow..."


There are no associated achievements specifically to this mission. However, being an act in Nyakuza Metro, general achievements related to the chapter can still be obtained. Below is the list of achievements related to this act. A guide to any achievement can be found by clicking on its name.

Image Name Description
Achievement37.jpg Stickin' Star Collect 30 Stickers in Nyakuza Metro!



  • The Empress has unused hint dialogue for a second Pink Paw Manhole, despite no station containing two manholes in the final game.[1]


  1. Unused via The Cutting Room Floor