Barrel Battle

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Barrel Battle is the Second Act of Chapter 1, Mafia Town. Mustache Girl has been captured by a bunch of Mafia Goons, and Hat Kid must rescue her from them. The act takes place primarily around a pyramid of barrels, which the Mafia will take advantage of to attack Hat Kid.


Hat Kid will start off this act between two buildings, completely boxed in. There are pons on the wall, so this area is meant to teach the player how to wall jump, which is preformed by jumping at a wall and once on the wall, jumping again. Unlike other games, Hat Kid will not slide down the wall, but rather run up it briefly before falling. This allows her to get some extra distance to reach places easier.

The objective of the act isn't far from the start. You'll be able to see your objective clearly from the speech bubbles of Mustache Girl. Simply walk down there to rescue her.


During this fight Hat Kid will be locked into a 2-dimensional space, only being able to move around the barrels. The first part of this fight is easy. Mafia Goons will attack Hat Kid one at a time and you must defeat all of them before moving onto the next stage. Fortunately, Mafia Goons aren't hard to take out. Simply hit them with your umbrella until they turn red. When they're red they will be immune to the umbrella attack, but hitting them with a homing attack will make them vulnerable again.

Hat Kid avoiding barrels.

After taking care of the mafia on the ground, the Mafia at the top of the barrels will begin throwing barrels at Hat Kid! There's nothing you can do to him right now; just focus on dodging the barrels he throws.

There will be 10 barrels in total. The first 5 are easiest to dodge, as he throws them at one spot and then they bounce away. The last 5 will be trickier, as they bounce around the pile until they explode, so Hat Kid will need to keep dodging them. When one is close to Hat Kid and it's about to bounce into the air, run under it to avoid getting hit.

After the Mafia Goon realizes his barrels aren't going to stop you, he'll come down there to fight you himself. Unfortunately for him, he's just like the other mafia you fought, so you won't have any trouble with it. After he's beaten, he’ll be launched into orbit with a flash, and the Time Piece will appear for Hat Kid to grab!


Hat Kid and Mustache Girl become friends!

After grabbing the Time Piece, Mustache Girl will come back and thank Hat Kid for her help. Mustache Girl then asks for Hat Kid's name, but she doesn't answer. Mustache Girl mentions that she's seen the Mafia taking Time Pieces to the Mafia Headquarters at the top of the island. She then says the two of them should go to the Mafia HQ to get Hat Kid's stuff back, with Mustache Girl showing open excitement at getting to mess up the Mafia.

Then Hat Kid and Mustache Girl high five in mid air, with a relationship bar showing up on screen to show that the two are now friends.


"Barrel Battle" takes place in Mafia Town, which is a vast, open location with many items to collect, and is identical to any other acts in this chapter. A List of every available collectibles in Mafia Town can be found here.


  • If Hat Kid has the Brewing Hat, it is recommended for the battle against the barrel Mafias. As an explosive + 3-smack combo will make taking out the mafia goons in the first phase much quicker.
  • Homing Attacks and Stomps are also encouraged, as being in the air reduces the chance of being hit by a Mafia Goon greatly.
  • When the Mafia at the top starts throwing Barrels, it is best to not jump, and instead just run around. As the barrels will hop around the pyramid, which can easily be dodge-able by just staying under them while they're bouncing.


  • Welcome to Mafia Town is the overworld music for this act. A Remix can be unlocked from the Orb Machine.
  • Barrel Battle is the track that plays during the battle against the Mafia.
    • This track features melodies from the game's original main theme, composed by Grant Kirkhope.
  • A New Friend in Mafia Town plays during the cutscene after the Timepiece is grabbed.

Diary Entry

After each mission, Hat Kid will express her thoughts into her diary, which can be found inside her pillow fort.

"I'm not super sure what that was supposed to be? Some big loser stood around and threw barrels at me!"

"Some even had spikes on! Who has spiked barrels????"


There are no associated achievements specifically to this act. However, being an act in Mafia Town, many general achievements can still be obtained. Below is the list of achievements related to this act, a guide to any achievements can be found by clicking on its name.

Image Name Description
Achievement02.jpg A Series of Unfortunate Accidents Knock off all the sitting Mafia in Mafia Town!
Achievement11.jpg If I fit, I sit Sit on three (3) different chairs!
Achievement22.jpg Slip n' Slide Slide down a really long slope!



  • In Alpha, this Act was part of the "Welcome to Mafia Town" Act.
  • The track "Barrel Battle" was originally called "My Trusty Umbrella", but was changed before release.
  • There is a spot Hat Kid can stand completely still at, where the Mafia Goon’s barrels won’t be able to hit her. This is not intentional, as Lead Developer Jonas Kaerlev stated:[1]"I don't know why, just so happens."; “It’s probably something to do with the radius and the number of verses.”
  • When the last Mafia Goon is defeated, he’ll be launched up to the stratosphere with a flash, this is presumably a reference to Team Rocket from the Pokémon Anime series.
