Yellow Overpass Manhole

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Yellow Overpass Manhole is the fifth location The Empress directs Hat Kid to. It can be found by using the Ice Hat to enter the manhole found in Yellow Overpass Station.


The Yellow Overpass Manhole contains many short, gimmicky platforming sequences, similarly to its Green counterpart. A Timepiece will be available on a restaurant platform to the very end.




  • For the sequence where Hat Kid has to go through 3 continuous train tracks, the Sprint Hat, Timestop Hat or dive-boosting is recommended.
  • Other than that, this mission is pretty short, so it shouldn't be too challenging. Pay attention to what to do, and you're likely not going to mess up.


  • Nyakuza Manholes - The track that plays inside of Yellow Overpass Manhole, as well as every other manholes.
    • When Hat Kid is on top of a train, A variant with drums will play.
  • The Empress - A fancy song, utilizing traditional Japanese string as the primary instrument. It plays when Hat Kid is inside Le Felin at the start of the act.

Diary Entry

After each mission, Hat Kid will express her thoughts in her diary, which can be found inside her pillow fort.

"I fell through a sewer grate and there was more metro down there?? Whaaaat?"

"AND there was a timepiece down here! But I didn't get to keep it..."


There are no associated achievements specifically to this mission. However, being an act in Nyakuza Metro, general achievements related to the chapter can still be obtained. Below is the list of achievements related to this act. A guide to any achievement can be found by clicking on its name.

Image Name Description
Achievement38.jpg Culinary Creativity Discover a secret food combination!
Achievement37.jpg Stickin' Star Collect 30 Stickers in Nyakuza Metro!



  • A graffiti of the transgender flag can be found inside this area, spray-painted across a wall.
  • Characters belonging to Kickstarter backers can be seen through windows that are rimmed with yellow circles, in the same room as the previously-mentioned trans graffiti. This was an $1,000 award tier for people who backed the original Kickstarter.[1]
