Mail Delivery Service

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Mail Delivery Service is Act 5 of the third Chapter: Subcon Forest. This act is avalible right after completing Act 1, depending on what contract Hat Kid signs.


Hat Kid is tasked by The Snatcher to make mail deliveries to his minions and provides her with a new hat that can summon a scooter to help her. Once this task is done, she will get the Timepiece.


Mail Delivery Service is an act belonging to the chapter Subcon Forest. Due to its nature of being a vast, open world, many items can be found all around. A list of every available collectibles inside Subcon Forest can be found here


  • There are a lot more than 10 minions around Subcon Forest that Hat Kid can deliver mail to. So don't worry about not finding them! Just wander around and they'll show themselves.


  • Subcon Forest - The track that plays around the Subcon Forest. Spooky...
  • Scootin' through Subcon Forest - A more energetic, less spooky version of Subcon Forest. It plays when Hat Kid rides her scooter around Subcon Forest.

Diary Entry

After each mission, Hat Kid will express her thoughts into her diary, which can be found inside her pillow fort. "I don’t get it? He seems super creepy and menacing but he wanted me to deliver mail?

"I have a really bad feeling about this, but he won’t give up his Time Pieces unless I do his weird contracts…"


There are no associated achievements specifically to this act. However, being an act in Subcon Forest, a general achievement can still be obtained. A guide to it can be found by clicking on its name.

Image Name Description
Achievement24.jpg Take a Hike Climb to the top of Subcon Forest's big mushroom!
