Pink Paw Station

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Pink Paw Station is the fourth location The Empress directs Hat Kid to. It is symbolized by a pink triangle and accompanying pink-trimmed trains. It is the longest colour-coded station of Nyakuza Metro.


Through a double-gate from the Main Station, Hat Kid can drop down into a vent to a double-train track. Here, she'll have to zigzag her way and avoid the trains running through them. After that, she'll get to another double-train track, but this time, she'll have to platform on top of 2 parallel trains instead. Finishing the sequence, she'll get into a vent with a cat roomba, and end up at the Pink Paw Station.

After some more train and roomba platforming, Hat Kid will end up at the very top of the metro, where a Timepiece can be found.




  • The Pink Paw Station puts Hat Kid's knowledge of the metro's mechanics to a test, utilizing everything Hat Kid has learned at this point.
  • With this in mind, it is recommended to play through the first stations in the order Empress gives out first.
  • In sections where you have to go through the tracks inbetween running trains, either the Timestop Hat or Sprint Hat is recommended, as the speed they give makes it a lot easier.
  • Be careful when platforming through wall-mounting cat roombas! Some of them will move around, so Hat Kid could miss them, and plummet to her death if you didn't pay attention.


  • Pink Paw Station - The theme of Pink Paw Station, an upbeat and energetic track that plays while exploring the area.
    • A synthwave variant of this track will play when Hat Kid is on top of a train.
  • The Empress - A fancy song, utilizing traditional Japanese string as the primary instrument. It plays when Hat Kid is inside Le Felin at the start of the act.

Diary Entry

After each mission, Hat Kid will express her thoughts in her diary, which can be found inside her pillow fort.

"Woah! That was tense. I nearly got squished! All that for more of this 'cash' stuff."

"I'm making lots of 'money' apparently. But I want my timepieces, not this junk!!!"


There are no associated achievements specifically to this mission. However, being an act in Nyakuza Metro, general achievements related to the chapter can still be obtained. Below is the list of achievements related to this act. A guide to any achievement can be found by clicking on its name.

Image Name Description
Achievement38.jpg Culinary Creativity Discover a secret food combination!
Achievement37.jpg Stickin' Star Collect 30 Stickers in Nyakuza Metro!

