Toilet of Doom

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Toilet of Doom is the third act of Subcon Forest. In this mission, Hat Kid is tasked with defeating A comically large outhouse posessed by her own soul, located past the chasm above the Subcon Village.


Starting the mission, Hat Kid will drop down to the Subcon Village. An ominous tune will play, with many pipes emerging from the ground, spewing out some kind of purple-yellow substance. Many Subcon Dwellers can also be seen running around in panic and fear. To reach the boss arena, Hat Kid will have to hookshot over a huge ravine at the end of the village, where Contractual Obligations ended.

Boss Battle

Upon approaching the Outhouse, It will roar at Hat Kid, and immediately starts attacking.

In the first phase of the fight, the Outhouse will hop around the arena, eventually stopping to release several toxic bouncing bubbles. One of which will contain a cherry bomb, which must be picked up and thrown to deal damage. After being hit, it will jump in the air and create 2-3 shockwaves on the ground before jumping to the center and causing several of the surrounding cages to sweep across the arena randomly. During this phase, the Toilet will glow blue and can be hit by swinging into it using the grapple point above it.

After being hit 4 times, the Toilet will then jump to the center and release several bubbles that surround and float around the pool, one of which contains a fruit bomb. Hat Kid must use the grapple point to swing and grab the Fruit bomb while avoiding any toxic bubbles among the others. While this is happening, the Toilet will create singular shockwaves every few seconds, leaving it open to attack.

After being hit 2 times, its final phase begins. In which, the Toilet will jump to the center and summon 3 cages, each containing a Subcon Dweller. They will be absorbed into a single cherry, making for a supercharged bomb. If it were to detonate, Hat Kid will be dead immediately. To damage it, Hat kid will need to jump across the 3 cages to reach the top of the bomb where the Toilet resides, hitting it will immediately stop the bomb. It will then jump in the air towards Hat Kid and create 3-4 shockwaves until it is stunned, allowing Hat kid to attack it. It’s last attack is to teleport away from Hat kid, getting cages to sweep across the arena while standing still, leaving it vulnerable to damage. The Toilet will repeat these attacks until it is hit 5 times, after which it will explode and be defeated.


Toilet of Doom is an act belonging to the chapter Subcon Forest. Due to its nature of being a vast, open world, many items can be found all around. A list of every available collectibles inside Subcon Forest can be found here


  • Toilet of Doom - a Grand, Orchestral track, which plays when Hat Kid is fighting the possessed Outhouse.
    • Being a boss theme, it contains the Boss Leitmotif.
    • Being possessed by Hat Kid's own soul, A Hat in Time's main theme leitmotif is also present in this track, even being played on the theremin.


  • The Toilet of Doom could be annoying, as the main source of damage would be through ticking Cherry Bombs.
  • One tip for throwing cherry bombs is to jump before doing so. As throwables preserve Hat Kid's momentum, the cherry will go much higher, and in turns covering more distance.
  • When the Outhouse is blue, Hat Kid could totally use a Brewing Hat projectile instead of her umbrella to damage it.
    • Like cherry bombs, Brewing Projectiles also carry Hat Kid's momentum. So they'll go a lot further if Hat Kid double-jumped before throwing them.
    • With this in mind, Hat Kid can do a ranged hit instead of a melee every time, making things much faster.
  • In the first phase, where the Outhouse spews out acid orbs, it will also spew out a cherry bomb. It is recommended that you wait until it stops spitting out orbs in sets before picking up the cherry bomb, as it's less likely that Hat Kid gets damaged this way.
  • In the second phase, where acid orbs circle around the pool in the middle, Hat Kid will have to swing to an orb that contains a cherry bomb and use it to damage the Outhouse. It is recommended that you wait until that orb is right on the opposite side of Hat Kid before letting her swing to it, as it'll minimize the chance of Hat Kid getting hurt.
  • In the supercharged cherry bomb attack, Hat Kid can jump to the top of the bomb from the first cage.
    • Additionally, she can also throw a Brewing Projectile at the Outhouse.

Diary Entry

After each act Hat Kid will write in her diary about the last mission. The diary can be found in her room under the swimming pool of pillows.

"A Toilet. A… toilet. A TOILET! Why is there a smelly dumb gross toilet in the Forest, and why do I have to deal with something so smelly and dumb and gross!?!

"That Snatcher is such a jerk! Why do I have do this? I DON’T WANT TO TOUCH A TOILET!"


There are no associated achievements specifically to this act. However, being an act in Subcon Forest, a general achievement can still be obtained. A guide to it can be found by clicking on its name.

Image Name Description
Achievement15.jpg One Punch Defeat Any Boss with the One-Hit Hero Badge!
Achievement24.jpg Take a Hike Climb to the top of Subcon Forest's big mushroom!



  • In the prototype builds of the game, this act was more puzzle centered, as opposed to the final build of the game, which focuses on having Hat Kid battle the Toilet.
  • In the Alpha Build of the game, Toilet of Doom was the first Act in Subcon Forest.
  • For whatever reasons, the Outhouse can make sounds of a bird. Though, this is likely just for the comical effect.