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Sewers is a Time Rift found in Mafia Town. It is found near the waterway from the center tower.




The difficulty of the Sewer Time Rift mostly boils down to platforming challenges and timing one's jumps. With a complete lack of enemies or damaging hazards, the only way the player can be defeated is by taking repeated fall damage from the tall heights of the platforms or by falling into the pits below.

A motif used twice in the level is the use of a large wall structure, alongside the use of many smaller platforms that tend to jut out of the wall and allow the player to traverse to a greater height and continue with the level. These two iterations are similar in their execution, but vary in how they operate as a whole.

The first wall has two groups of platform that alternate state, allowing for a pattern that allows the player to jump from one platform about to retract into the wall towards another platform ready to extend from the wall. The interval between these shifts are equal, making a clear pattern to when and how the platforms intend to be progressed.

In contrast, the second wall has its platforms extend and contract in a linear progression, allowing the player to quickly traverse the wall. However, mistiming these and starting the climb when the platforms behind you are retracting will likely lead in one of the platforms being pulled from the feet of the player, sending them for a fall and resetting their progress on the wall itself.

The Time Piece is located on top of a series of gears, preceded by a large log. Due to the size of the log and how quickly it rotates, the player can end up being caught up by the corner of the rectangle even after a good double-jump. Making sure to jump over the lip before it catches you is a good way to prevent being shoved to the pit below. The gears themselves are not a threat, rotating at faster speeds the further up the player progresses, but not fast enough to be distracting nor threatening due to the size of the gears below to catch the player if they were to slip-up.


  • With it likely being one of the first Time Rifts one will encounter, it is fairly trivial. You shouldn't have much trouble with it.
  • Though, timing the alternating platforms could be a bit annoying, so some equipments could be utilized.
    • The No-Bonk Badge is highly recomended, as Hat Kid might bonk into a platform and plummet to her doom. This will prevent that.
    • The Timestop Hat would be a great choice, as it allows for a much wider reaction window.
    • Paired with the Timestop Hat should be the Fast Hatter Badge, due to its long recharge time.


  • Clocktowers Beneath the Sea - A calm, surreal song. It's the main theme of every Blue Time Rift missions.
  • Scootin' Through Clocktowers Beneath the Sea - A more energetic variant of Clocktowers Beneath the Sea, which plays when Hat Kid is on her Scooter in a Blue Time Rift mission.
  • Clocktowers Beneat the Sea - Remix - An Orchestral Remix of Clocktowers Beneath the Sea, it is significantly slower than its original counterpart. The song is composed by AdulescensF.
