Rush Hour

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Rush Hour is the Finale of Nyakuza Metro. It is unlocked when the 8 previous Timepieces have been collected. Hat Kid, having collected every single Timepieces from the Metro, notices that The Empress is conveniently missing from her shop. Taking this opportunity, Hat Kid sneaks into the vault, and takes back all of her Timepieces. However, right as she opened the door, The Empress was there, and is sure as heck about to kill her. However, she instead reaches out to the intercom, and puts a $1.000.000 cat dollars bounty on Hat Kid.

Cash Back

Dropping into the Metro, Hat Kid notices the vault in the Empress' Jewel shop is open. Here, she will find all the Timepieces The Empress stole from her. She must pick them all up in order to proceed. However, when she leaves, the Empress will catch her red-handed, and alerts every of her gang members. Even worse, she places a one million dollar bounty on Hat Kid. which makes the underlings attempt to catch Hat Kid to win the million dollar prize. Faced with this, Hat Kid flees as the Empress laughs over the intercom.

Cash Away

The level is essentially a fast-paced, mad dash for freedom from the Empress. However, many obstacles stand in Hat Kid's way of escaping: The Empress' goons who chase her, the trains, and the Empress herself - who has acquired a rocket launcher. She will aim a target at Hat Kid for a few seconds, locking it onto a specific point, which then launches a rocket. Hat Kid must manipulate these rockets to lock onto generators that power a forcefield blocking the way forward and blow them up. Also, barriers formed by cats will block off certain parts of the map, turning the Metro into a one way obstacle course that takes Hat Kid through all the stations.

Eventually, The path takes Hat Kid to the Escape Tunnels, which is exclusive to this area. After more platforming and puzzle challenges, Hat Kid will arrive at an elevator - only to find the Empress is waiting for her inside.

Cash Out

Cornered by her and her goons, Hat Kid is forced inside the elevator, leaving the Empress and her to have a leisurely talk. However, two policemen enter the elevator just as Empress is about to finish Hat Kid, which stops her from doing so. Due to the awkward situation, she runs out of the lift at the next stop. While one of the policemen leaves a little later. The other one stays and, revealing himself as a spy working for the Empress, says he wanted to give the Empress a Timepiece, but couldn't due to his partner and gives it to Hat Kid instead. This, conveniently, is the final Timepiece of the Metro.




  • This is a chase mission, so the best thing to do would be to constantly move. There are always something trying to kill Hat Kid, so standing still will result in a painful death.
  • Though, ironically enough, most obstacles can be avoided by literally just walking. So if you aren't worried of breaking immersion, take your time and walk to the next destination.
  • The Rocket Launcher Empress has isn't that much of a threat either, as it's quite slow, and can easily be avoided by simply moving out of the way.
  • Other than that, this mission shouldn't be too big of a challenge when you've already cleared every other mission in the Metro.


  • The Empress - A fancy song, utilizing traditional Japanese string as the primary instrument. It plays when Hat Kid is inside Le Felin at the start of the act.
  • Rush Hour - An intense, stressful track, utilizing traditional Japanese string, as well as synthwave elements. It plays throughout the chase from Le Felin until The Escape Tunnels.
    • A synthwave version of this track will play when Hat Kid is on a train, or when she's manipulating The Empress' rockets to her advantage.
    • This track utilizes the Metro Arpeggio as the Bass, and many leitmotifs of Metro's previous tracks.
  • Calm Hour - A low-key remix of Rush Hour, without the melody. The only thing that plays is the repeated Metro Arpeggio leitmotif.

Diary Entry

After each mission, Hat Kid will express her thoughts in her diary, which can be found inside her pillow fort.

"Woah... that was close. That nasty cat lady almost got me!"

"But I bravely escaped completely on my own, and now ALL of the timepieces are mine. Bye-bye, Metro!"


Below is the list of achievements related to this act. A guide to any achievement can be found by clicking on its name.

Image Name Description
Achievement42.jpg Nyakuza Metro - All Clear! Collect every Time Piece in Nyakuza Metro!
Achievement37.jpg Stickin' Star Collect 30 Stickers in Nyakuza Metro!



  • If Hat Kid returns to the Metro after completing this act, she will find The Empress' shop's entrance covered with police tape. When Hat Kid talks to her, she will comment about how Hat Kid, despite what happened, would still come back. She also mentions that the police is suspicious, and are keeping an eye on her.
  • If Hat Kid, somehow, entered this act early without having obtained every metro passes, it'll be granted to her. As stated by Jonas Kaerlev in a reaction to Doka's 36-minute speedrun of A Hat in Time:[1]
    • Jonas: "He doesn't even need the metro pass, because if you... If you get to the Finale, it just... Also gives you all the metro passes."
    • Jenna: "Really?"
    • Jonas: "Yeah... It's because you can softlock yourself if you don't get the metro passes, and that's obviously a big oof."
  • The titlecard for this act is one of the only ones to feature Hat Kid in a hat that is not the Kid's Hat or one of its flairs, the others being Ship Shape and Nyakuza Metro.
