She Came from Outer Space

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She Came from Outer Space is Act 3 of the first Chapter: Mafia Town. In it Hat Kid must scare the Goofy Mafia to get her Time Piece back. This level acts as a tutorial on the movement mechanics, teaching the player how to dive and cancel it in midair, as well as small bit of running up and jumping off the wall.

The Sky's Perspirating

The level will begin Hat Kid on the waterfront, which is at the bottom of the map near the edge. The Time Piece, however, is near the center of the map at a much higher elevation. Fortunately, it will be visible via an icon on screen. Head toward the icon to find where the Mafia with the time piece is.

There are a few differences between this act and the two before it. For starters, it takes place at night. This causes a new type of enemy to appear; sleeping raccoons that will float in the air until they get close to Hat Kid and drop to the ground, damaging her before floating up again. It's also raining now, and because of this Hat Kid will be wearing a raincoat. There will also be several mud puddles around Mafia Town that Hat Kid will trip into, which will cover her in mud.

While being covered in mud doesn't change Hat Kid's controls at all, it does change how the Mafia will react to her. Because she's covered from head to toe and running with her arms out, the Mafia will think she's a monster and run from her. If you want to wash off, simply jump into a body of water or use the Ice Hat and Hat Kid will be clean again.

Once you reach the spot where the Time Piece is you'll find the Goofy Mafia, who looks different from the rest; he has a mustache and is wearing glasses and a bow-tie. If Hat Kid talks to him, he'll say he saw Hat Kid's Spaceship, and believes that slimy goopy space aliens are invading the island. To progress, Hat Kid needs to be covered in mud and walk up to him, at which point he will believe she is an alien monster and start to run away.

Slimy Space Alien

As mentioned above, this part of the game is designed to teach players how to platform, so the first thing the Goofy Mafia does is jump to a floating platform which Hat Kid will need to jump to. If you fail to make this jump, the game will set you back to where you started. There are also some checkpoints along the way.

After making the jump, walk up to him and he'll scream again. He'll run to the left and up some crates stacked on top of each other. Hat Kid won't be able to run up it herself, so go right and jump on the stacked pipes there to reach where the Goofy Mafia is. Watch out for the sleeping raccoon while you do so! When you reach him, he'll scream and run away again and stop on a floating banner. This time you'll need to use a dive jump to reach him, and he'll run away one more time.

The next platform has flower pots and a small roof. You need to get on it but to do that you'll need to wall jump from where the mafia graffiti is. Jump to the next platform, and the game will tell you to jump while diving to cancel the jump, that way you don't overshoot your target. Land on the last platform and walk up to the Goofy Mafia and he will beg you to go away, and to get you to do that, he gives you the Time Piece.


"She Came from Outer Space" takes place in Mafia Town, which is a vast, open location with many items to collect, and is identical to any other acts in this chapter. A List of every available collectibles in Mafia Town can be found here.


  • Starting the act, Hat Kid will drop very far from the Timepiece. A giant Timepiece icon can be seen at where the Timepiece is, so follow that icon and eventually the Goofy Mafia can be found.
  • Being the tutorial for Diving, the chase sequence isn't necessarily difficult. Just try to find a way to reach the Goofy Mafia, and eventually he'll give Hat Kid the Timepiece.


  • Mafia Town is Asleep. - This is the track that plays during Nighttime Mafia Town levels.
    • This track features a leitmotif from the track Main Theme - the, obviously, Main Theme of A Hat in Time.
    • This track has an alternate variant that plays when Hat Kid falls into mud puddles, utilizing the theremin to emphathize the "spooky" effect of her turning into a slimy space alien.
  • She Came from Outer Space. - This track plays when Hat Kid is chasing the Goofy Mafia.
    • This track has 5 different phases, progressing gradually as Hat Kid chases down the Goofy Mafia.

Diary Entry

After each mission, Hat Kid will express her thoughts into her diary, which can be found inside her pillow fort.

"Wow. And I thought the regular Mafia were weirdos.

"At least he had a Time Piece I could take! How do they keep finding these things..."


There are no associated achievements specifically to this act. However, being an act in Mafia Town, many general achievements can still be obtained. Below is the list of achievements related to this act, a guide to any achievements can be found by clicking on its name.

Image Name Description
Achievement02.jpg A Series of Unfortunate Accidents Knock off all the sitting Mafia in Mafia Town!
Achievement11.jpg If I fit, I sit Sit on three (3) different chairs!
Achievement22.jpg Slip n' Slide Slide down a really long slope!



  • In the Beta, this Act was called "Repairing the Cannon". In this act, Hat Kid would have needed to climb up to where the Goofy Mafia is in the final game. There she would find Thor, and repair his cannon, causing a Timepiece to come out of the newly repaired cannon.
  • At some point between the beta and final release, Hat Kid would have chased was Cut character named Oldster. Oldster was later replaced by Goofy Mafia, due to not having enough time for Character Development.
  • This act is set up to be very reminiscent of old horror B Movies.
  • Loading Picture is reference to Movie called "The Thing"
  • It is possible to talk to the Goofy Mafia without tripping in mud.
    • If this were the case, he'll say that slimy aliens are about to invade Mafia Town, hinting toward the fact that Hat Kid needs to be covered in mud.