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Seals are minor characters seen in Chapter 6: The Arctic Cruise in the Seal the Deal DLC. They work for the Captain aboard the S.S. Literally Can't Sink.


The Seals all appear near-identical, all of them being small, white seals with beady black eyes and rosy cheeks.

There are several different uniforms that some of them wear, such as certain Seals having a black jacket with a grey button-up shirt underneath, one in the kitchen has a sushi chef's hat, some have a black and red collar with a handkerchief and matching hat, and some have a green bow tie, coat, and hat. A majority of the Seals are seen without any clothing, however.


The Seals are rather friendly, always greeting passengers with a smile, and have a sort of child-like innocence. However, they can be rather incompetent at their jobs, the Captain specifically noting that they "get in [other people's] way" often. They're rather clumsy and irresponsible; many of the Seals can be found with their workspace in complete disarray, or simply lazing about on the job. Despite this, they do seem to be trying their best to keep things functional, and go out of their way to politely remind others of the ship's rules.

Their R and L sounds often come out as Ws, giving them a somewhat cutesy manner of speech.


The Seals can be seen working around the cruise ship, and most can be spoken to. There are many different jobs they take on, including bellhops, chefs, guides, gardeners, and lifeguards.

Bon Voyage!

In the first act of The Arctic Cruise, Hat Kid must check in with the Seals at the front desk upon initially boarding the cruise. Upon doing so, the Seals will inform her that they broke a Time Piece earlier that day.

In order to obtain one of the Time Piece Shards, Hat Kid has to bring an injured Seal to the Captain, where he will tell her to "kiss it better" herself. Upon doing so, the Seal will give her the Shard they found.

Ship Shape

In the second act of The Arctic Cruise, Hat Kid discovers a Time Piece in the Lost & Found. The Seals tell her that the Captain only lets them take things out of it if they work "really hard", and suggest she could ask the Captain if she can do some work around the ship.

Rock the Boat

In the finale of The Arctic Cruise, after Hat Kid crashes the ship, some of the Seals need to be saved and brought to lifeboats.
