Hat Kid's Spaceship

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Hat Kid's Spaceship from the outside.

Hat Kid's Spaceship, also known as the Mk. 14 Custom, is a personalized spacecraft designed by Hat Kid, which serves as the main hub of A Hat in Time. The ship utilizes Timepieces as fuel, using them to power the rooms, and travel through space. Throughout Hat Kid's adventure on a foreign planet, different parts of The Spaceship will gradually regain power as she recollects the lost Timepieces. On her adventure, Hat Kid can collect different Relics as souvenirs, which she can place on The Spaceship as decoration, adding life and customization to her home. Some of the people Hat Kid meets on her adventures will "visit" the Spaceship, which she can interact with for various different purposes.


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The Spaceship is a large, adequate and cozy flying home. It's plated with reinforced, space-resistant wood, making for a safe & sturdy living environment. Its windows are made of comet-proof glass (with a weakness to fists), allowing Hat Kid to observe the surrounding environment as she travels through space. In the backside are four boosters, which are used to push the spacecraft through great distances.

The Spaceship has many rooms, each of which serve a different function. Most are connected by neon-lit tunnels, allowing for versatile traversal, but some can also be directly accessed by regular doors or lift platforms. The Timepieces' powers are utilized as energy, giving The Spaceship an abundant source of fuel, allowing many complex, unnecessary machinery to function at no risk or worries to Hat Kid.


Living Room

The Living Room is a spacious area, serving as the main center of The Spaceship's interior. A big window is present in the room, spanning all across the front-facing side of the Spaceship. A control board is present right under the window, serving as the ship's cockpit. On it is a wooden ship steering wheel, various buttons, a microphone, a "retro" joystick controller, and a glass sphere which contains a compass. Accompanying the control system is a comfy chair with three pillows, allowing for comfort in extended sitting sessions (the chair also has some buttons and joysticks).

Next to the control board is a gacha machine, which contains various cute outfits, hat flairs and other things. If Hat Kid inserted three Rift Tokens, the machine will output one of the rewards, ready for her to use. Technically, this is a gambling machine, which isn't really fitting for a tiny child's home.

To the other side of the room are various terminals and monitors, each displays the amount of a certain collectible Hat Kid owns. Under them is a machine that can detect anomalies, which will display information when rare stickers appear somewhere on the planet.

Nearby is a yellow TV, accompanied by a GameDedocahedron, and a pink pillow. This is where Hat Kid can play her favourite game: Corgi Quest VII, and the entryway to the Vanessa's Curse Gamemode (potentially future CreatorDLCs, too). If Hat Kid gets close to this TV, the music on the spaceship will shift to a synthwave version. However, if a special event were present, or the game is on a pre-CreatorDLC version, it'll be a remix using Gabe the Dog's barks as the soundfont instead.

An elevated walkway is in the opposite side of the control board, which leads to the Kitchen, and the lift onto The Attic. The Vault that keeps the Timepieces safe is here, alongside a large monitor, in which it displays the Number of Timepieces, and the Spaceship's progress on the way towards its destination. The walkway has a barrier to prevent Hat Kid from falling off, and a ladder so she could climb up from the lower floor. To the end of the walkway is a communication device, which is used for online party features. It is unknown if online party is canon in-universe, so the actual function of this machine is uncertain.

Other miscellaneous contraptions can be seen in the living room that serve no particular purpose, such as a plasma ball, some kind of signal-detecting device thing or a fluid-filled, vacuum-shaped tube thingy with things constantly going through, connected to the floor and wall.

Being largely empty, the living room would be rather un-lively, if it wasn't for Rumbi - Hat Kid's roomba and best friend. He'll roam around, patrolling and cleaning the floor. He'll sometimes bump into things, or flop around, and has to serve the role of Hat Kid's unwilling transportation device. Smacking him with an umbrella will make pons drop out to the floor, and a Sprint Yarn with the right conditions.

After Cooking Cat's arrival on the Spaceship, two Podiums will appear inside the living room, serving as stands for relics to go on, and obstacles for Rumbi to bump into. They each require 50 and 150 Pons to repair.

Three neon tunnels are connected to the Living room, leading to the Bedroom, the Machine Room, and the Basement. A regular door is present on the walkway, leading to the kitchen, as well as a lift that takes Hat Kid onto the Attic. On the floor is a slide that leads to the Mailroom, which requires the Ice Hat.


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The Kitchen, being a necessity, is the first room to become recovered after The Spaceship lost all of its fuel, requiring only 1 Timepiece to operate. The Kitchen is a blue, rectangular room, with checkerboard-pattern floor tiling, and the entryway to chapter 1 - Mafia Town. Inside is, well, things that you'd normally see in a kitchen. Despite being inside a technologically advanced spacecraft, Hat Kid's kitchen is rather humble.

In the corner is a stove-oven hybrid, featuring 12 different button, and NO VENTILATION. Next to it is a wooden countertop, with storage space above and below, and different objects for Hat Kid to stand on so she can actually reach the counter. The countertop is rather messy. In order from left to right, there is a pile of dirty dishes, an entire bucket, a toaster, some sausages, a dirty knife, a chopped cut of steak, a dish of spaghetti, two glass bottles, and four cans of "Soup-flavoured" tin cans. Inside the sink are two giant pile of unwashed dishes, with the left one being 47-dishes tall, and the right one being 34, totaling to 81 dirty dishes.

Right next to the counter is the fridge in a corner. On it are various magnetic letters, badges, notes and drawings. From the top to bottom, are a green "V"; a note saying: "Don't leave things in the fridge. -HK"; a shopping list, containing the following items: "Banana", "Cheese", "Snozzcherry", "New Hat", "Roach Nuts", "Heart of Gold", "OII & CPU Chips" (the shopping list is held up by a yellow "V" and a Scooter Badge); a red "J" next to a green "B"; a yellow "G" next to a red "C"; a red "J" next to a green "K"; a crayon drawing depicting the old Ending with Hat Adult held up by a Hover Badge and a blue "W"; a green "E"; three letters, being "W", "N", "T", being blue, red and yellow in order; and a crayon drawing depicting the first scene from the Moleman Arg.

Inside the fridge are various, lets just say, concerning food items. From the bottom to top are the following: A tentacular burger; a slice of pizza; a cut of fish; another slice of pizza; a meatclub with a bite mark; a box of (likely watermelon) juice; three choco-chip cookies; a carton of milk; a blue bowl of noodles; two glass bottles; a cookie; a slice of a cheese wheel; and a gears-lettuce sandwich.

To the right side of the picture is a blue table, presumably the one that Hat Kid uses to eat on. On it is a microwave, which is explained to be the device that Hat Kid use to punish food that has been bad (in this case, the punished food is a plate of spaghetti). Next to the microwave is a tower of sandwiches, being 8 sandwiches tall; as well as some cutlery; a rotting orange; and a bowl with 3 bananas. There are also two blue stools, which Hat Kid can sit on to eat her food. Next to the table is a stool with a pot of houseplant on top. This plant is likely a sansevieria, or "Snake Plant".

To the opposite side of the room is a crate, with a wheel of cheese and a fish skeleton on top. Next to it is a barrel with a butcher's knife, and various playing cards on top. On the other side is another houseplant, with this one being a miniature palm tree.

The side opposite to the countertop has various furniture. From left to right, there is a dresser with different ocean-related objects on top, and a lava lamp with fish inside. Next to it are two chairs on the floor, with one having ropes on it. On the wall is a painting of a wooden house inside a forest. Next to the chairs is a cabinet, with different objects stored inside. On the top shelf is a glowing orb, a dirty pot, two more dirty dish towers (With probably the same size and dish count as the ones inside the sink), and six glasses of wine. On the bottom shelf are two cups of smoothie, three glass bottles of don-spaghetti meatball sauce, a wine glass, and two dishes. Next to the cabinet, in the corner is a bucket of crabs, a big trash can, and a small trash can with a giant egg inside.

In the middle of the room is a circular, blue carpet with a white circle pattern, and a telescope. Interacting with this telescope, Hat Kid can enter the first chapter of the game: Mafia Town.

After Cooking Cat teaches Hat Kid about Relics, she'll stay in the kitchen. When Hat Kid talks to her, she'll inform Hat Kid that she wants to cook a meal for her, and asks if Hat Kid is more of a steak or veggie person. Answering steak will concern Cooking Cat, with her saying that she hopes Hat Kid won't cook up any earthlings. If Hat Kid answered veggies instead, Cooking Cat will state that Hat Kid's alien species might have more in common with her ancestors.

Machine Room

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The Machine Room is, obviously, the home to all machinery of the Spaceship. It is the second room to have its power restored, requiring 4 Timepieces. It is an orange-brown, steampunk-y room with mossy accent colours. An unnecessary amount of gears can be seen around the room, as well as complex machinery that Hat Kid probably never uses. This room houses the entryway to Chapter 2 - Battle of the Birds.

Entering the room, a small walkway is right in front of Hat Kid. Going up on it, a Telescope can be seen on a wooden elevated floor platform, serving as the entry for Chapter 2. Next to it is a radio with glowing buttons on top of a crate. Using it, Hat Kid can tune in to her favourite broadcasts, such as "Acquaintances At The Table", "Goodbye From Sunshine town", or "Two Brothers An Then Also A Third Additional Brother, Myself". All of which are references to real-life media. Behind the Telescope is a big, strange machine with electricity-conducting antennas and pipes going through, seems pretty dangerous. At the end of the Walkway is a window, in which parts of The Spaceship can be seen through.

Going back to the entrance, various furniture and even more machinery can be seen beside it. Right next to it is a telephone station, in which the assisting director of Battle of the Birds will use to communicate with Hat Kid after the Award Ceremony - Fakeout. The buttons are too high up for Hat Kid's reach, so it's likely this device was purely for decoration. In the left corner are various miscellaneous objects from Battle of the Birds, which Hat Kid likely took as souvenir. Those include a houseplant with silver & gold lights hungaround (this one being a Kimberly Queen Fern); a Moon Penguin's Fedora; an illegible letter; a magnifying glass; a microphone; some sawblades; something that looks like part of a vehicle; a tire; and a toy rocketship. To the other corner is a table, featuring various buttons, a glitchy embedded monitor, another electrocuted antenna, a lamp and a chair. Next to the table is another of those signal-detecting device thingies that is also present in the living room.

Turning right, a tunnel going through the walkway can be seen, leading to, you guessed it, even more machinery. On the way is a noisy monitor that cannot be interacted with. Passing the tunnel, a 7-Stage Tri-Calculating Quantum Harmonizer is present, which is a pretty expensive item.

To the backside of the room are two bookcases, also known as the "Cool Word Zone", or a "thing you can't even slightly fill yourself, Steven, you'll never find a publisher, and all that time you spent in your study is time you could spend with your kids". There are also various instruments, which the Express Band will use to practice with. It is unknown if Hat Kid actually plays these things or not.

To the opposite side is the VGS 1, the fastest & most complex supercomputer to ever be built. Interacting with it, Hat Kid can choose to boot it up, or leave it alone if she weren't ready for such speed that day. On the Computer are two programs, being "Fun" and "Internet". Choosing "Fun" allows Hat Kid to boot up one of three Applications: "Games", "Earth" and "Reassurance". If Hat Kid chose "Games", and confirmed to boot up the application, the VGS 1 will pick a random game from its selection for her to play, with one being a text-based version of Corgi Quest 7 - The Leashes that Bind. If she chose to not boot it up however, a new highscore will be set for her in the game "Interplanetary Thermonuclear War", and the VGS 1 will close the appliation. "Earth" will display some information about the planet, and the theories surrounding it, being that "Earth" is just a mass hallucination and actually does not exist. "Reassurance" will send out encouraging messages, alongside with reminders and reassuring words, it is unknown if this was just a random application present on the VGS 1, or if it was written with intent for Hat Kid by someone, maybe even herself. Choosing "Internet" will allow Hat Kid to either "Search", or "Surf the Web". "Search" will prompt Hat Kid to insert a search term, in which the VGS 1 will not output any results, and will submit the search term for federal review. And unfortunately, due to low tides, surfing the web isn't possible.

Turning right again, a control board with a lever can be seen under a large, glowing panel. The lever only does 1 thing, which is adjust how bright the panel is. It's stuck on "really bright, actually".

After Hat Kid has collected 12 Timepieces, an intruder is detected. Upon investigating, she encounters a chef-hat-wearing, mustached Jar full of purple liquid, and two floating eyes inside the Machine Room. This Jar claims that Hat Kid and it are "Arch Nemesises", and now they've finally met again. Hat Kid however, does not recall who it is. It will then reveal that it is actually the Mafia Boss, and that Mustache Girl gathered his remains into a jar after the battle. A shop stall then forms itself into existence, with Mafia Boss saying that he'll sell Hat Kid a badge that can point to any secrets or whereabouts on the planet (those being Relics and Rift Tokens). He'll stay on the Spaceship from then on. If Hat Kid gets near Mafia Boss, the music will shift to a slightly modified version of the regular Spaceship theme, having instruments from Mafia HQ playing on top. When Hat Kid is talking to Mafia Boss however, the instruments will shift entirely to ones from Mafia HQ. This is the only instance where a character has more than one music variation on The Spaceship.

Upon obtaining a remix from the gacha orb machine inside the living room, the Express Band will appear on the spaceship. They'll help Hat Kid swap out the remixes that she own, or just play her a tune they've composed.

Next to the walkway tunnel is another neon-lit passage, this one leading to the Gallery.

The Gallery

The gallery can be accessed through a green neon-lit tunnel from the Machine Room. At first, it'll be blocked off by destructible containers of varying sizes, which Hat Kid will have to clear out with the Brewing Hat. There is a single Time Rift present inside the room, being... "The Gallery". A Podium is also available to repair inside this room, requiring 150 Pons to repair.

Titularly, The Gallery is a green room with various paintings and artpieces displayed around. Many of the paintings are references to real-life artworks, adding another fun layer of depth to the hub world. Describing each of them with words would be pretty boring, so under here is a display of every single painting present in the Gallery, and what each of them references:

It is unknown if the paintings were made by Hat Kid, or if she collected them. However, considering the drawings she hung inside her bedroom, (to put it nicely) Hat Kid isn't the greatest artist. So it is likely that she did not make any of the paintings inside the Gallery.

When inside the Gallery, the Spaceship's theme will shift to a fancier arrangement, primarily utilizing string instruments.

The Gallery Time Rift is available in this room, right in front of the Painting depicting a golden Moon Penguin.


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The bedroom is a cute, comfy and cozy place. It's home to the entryway of Subcon Forest, and the third room to have its energy restored on Hat Kid's adventure, requiring 7 Timepieces to operate. Being designed by a child, the Bedroom is very colourfully decorated. The walls are wrapped with yellow wallpaper on one half, and is decorated to resemble purple, starry night sky in the other. The floor is covered by a blue carpet, with a star pattern. An entire half of the room is dedicated to a big, giant mountain of pillows. Seeing something like it, one cannot help but want to swim inside it. Knowing this fact, a diveboard is installed right above to accompany.

Entering the room, a workstation can be seen to the right. A blueprint detailing the Spaceship's design is hung right above a table with various objects on top. On the table is a globe; a weird object, detached into 2 parts; a flask filled with fleshy, red liquid; a GameDedocahedron; a miniature Sansevieria plant; a letter; a blank piece of paper; a pencil; a carton of mystery juice; a magazine; a screwdriver; and a toolbox with a purple orb inside. Under the toolbox is a letter from R. King, telling Hat Kid to check the kitchen. Next to the table are some wooden boards, and in the corner are some miscellaneous objects. To the other side of the table is a blue chest, which will give Hat Kid a single Pon whenever it's opened. Inside the chest are many toys, some of which are scrapped content that weren't used in the final game, and a knife for some reason. Above the chest are various, childish drawings, likely made by Hat Kid herself. Most of which are references to content in the game.

Next to the chest is a blue closet. Upon interacting, it is stated that Hat Kid only wears one outfit, so lots of space is available for skeletons. "Skeletons in closet" is a term indicating embarrassing or bad things about somebody in their past, it is unknown if this actually means anything in-context.

In the other corner of the room is a purple couch, with a pink pillow, and another heart-shaped one on top. Right below the couch is a dark purple bouncy ball, with a face resembling that of The Snatcher. Under the couch is a letter by R.King, telling Hat Kid to look under the red toolbox. This is likely intended to be the very first one.

A blue bed is placed between the couch and the pillow mountain. This is where Hat Kid is first seen in the game, sleeping soundly, until the Intercom wakes her up.

At one point, rays of light will start emanating from the pillow pile. If Hat Kid used the Ice Hat to perform a ground-slam into the rays of light, she'll end up inside her secret Pillow Fort. This is where her diary can be found. She'll express her thoughts about the events that happened that day there, adding a layer of depth to her character. Inside the Pillow Fort, the music will shift to a different arrangement, primarily utilizing the music box.

After obtaining 27 Timepieces (with one of which being Your Contract has Expired), an intruder will be detected. The Snatcher, now legally obligated to be Hat Kid's best friend, will now stay inside Hat Kid's bedroom, taking up a corner for himself. As best friends do, he'll offer difficult, lethally dangerous challenges in the form of Death Wishes, which Hat Kid can freely die to. He'll act as a way to open the Death Wish map from then on.


The Basement is the 4th Area to be unlocked on Hat Kid's Spaceship, requiring 14 Timepieces. It is home to the Engine Room, the Dirty Laundry Cleaner 3000, and the Science Lab. It is wrapped in green wallpaper, with piles of white sand around on the floor, as well as flaming tubes.

The Engine Room can be accessed via a small entrance high up on the opposite side of the entry door, which can be swinged to. In it is the telescope to the chapter Alpine Skyline.


The Attic is the 5th Area to be unlocked on Hat Kid's Spaceship, requiring 25 Timepieces. It can be accessed through a lift platform next to the TV inside the Living room. It contains the Tour Memory Rift, and the Telescope to Time's End.

Laundry Room

The Laundry room is the final Area to be unlocked on Hat Kid's Spaceship, requiring 35 Timepieces. It can be accessed through the Dirty Laundry Cleaner 3000 inside the Basement, and is home to the Telescope to The Arctic Cruise, as well as a Podium.


The Lab can be accessed through a door inside the basement. It is blocked by a tangible Dweller object, which can be phased through using the Dweller Mask. It is home to a Podium, as well as the Lab Dream Rift.


The Mailroom can be accessed with the Ice Hat, particularly, by using the ice platform under the yellow slide inside the Living Room. It is where Hat Kid receives and ignore all her mails, as well as where she can access Modded levels.


The Storage is the 6th Area to be unlocked on Hat Kid's Spaceship, requiring 20 Timepieces. It can be accessed through a manhole in the Science Lab, which needs to be slammed on using the Ice Hat. It is home to a podium, and the Telescope to Nyakuza Metro.


Room Chapter Entryway Requires to Enter Has a Time Rift Stands for Relics
Living Room None None No 2
Kitchen Mafia Town 1 Time Piece No None
Machine Room Battle of the Birds 4 Time Pieces No None
Gallery None (4 Time Pieces), Brewing Hat Yes 1
Bedroom Subcon Forest 7 Time Pieces No None
Engine Room Alpine Skyline 14 Time Pieces No None
Attic Time's End 25 Time Pieces Yes (DLC) None
Laundry Room (DLC) Arctic Cruise 35 Time Pieces No 1
Science Lab None (14 Time Pieces), Dweller Mask Yes 1
Mail Room None Ice Hat No None
Storage Room (DLC) Nyakuza Metro 20 Time Pieces, Ice Hat, (Dweller Mask) No 1
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When Hat Kid loses her collection of Time Pieces at the beginning of the game, the ship goes offline and the doors to the rooms on her spaceship are shut. The rooms can only be entered when a certain number of Time Pieces have been retrieved. Each room allows entry to a different chapter by a telescope. Later, when Hat Kid has the Ice Hat, she will be able to enter the mail room from the slide. Inside is a Time Rift.

Special Decorative Changes

During the limited-time Live Game Events that can occur, the Spaceship can be redecorated to fit the theme of the current event.

A Hat in Time's 5th Anniversary

The main room during the 5th anniversary of the game.

During the 5th anniversary of A Hat in Time, the Spaceship was redecorated to be celebratory of the game's initial PC release. There were Happy Birthday banners in the main room and the bedroom, rainbow balls found in multiple rooms that shoots out confetti when kicked, and confetti raining down in most rooms.

Winter Event

The main room during the Winter Event.

During the Winter Event, the Spaceship was redecorated to celebrate the winter holidays. There were Happy Holiday banners in the main room and the bedroom, snow on the ground along with hanging bows and standing candy canes for some rooms, a Christmas tree adorned with ornaments of the game's various characters on a snowflake rug along with a massive Mafia ice statue with a bow on its rear, and snow raining down in most rooms. There were also large orange cat plush toys that can be bounced on, including a singular one in a corner of the Nyakuza Metro (DLC) room.

Summer Event

The main room during the Summer Event.

During the Summer Event, the Spaceship was redecorated to celebrate the summer season. It primarily featured tropical trees, sand, and a swimming pool with a volleyball net in the main room. A sand sculpture of a Mafia goon with sea shells on the pecs and a mermaid tail can also be seen in the lobby.


Sprint Yarn: Given to Hat Kid by Mustache Girl when she talks to her after clearing Barrel Battle, or by beating up Rumbi if Hat Kid did not talk to Mustache Girl.

  • Relic: Given to Hat Kid by Cooking Cat, when she intrudes the Spaceship after Hat Kid has collected 5 Timepieces.
  • Relic Finder Badge: Sold by the Mafia Boss for 400 Pons, when he intrudes the Spaceship after Hat Kid has collected 12 Timepieces.
  • Completionist Kid's Hat: Acquired by opening a gift box in the Lab, After collecting all Time Pieces. (40 without Any DLC, 46 with the Seal the Deal DLC, 50 with the Nyakuza Metro DLC, 56 with both) (only on saves with Hat Kid).


  • "Her Spaceship" - This is the track that plays throughout Hat Kid's spaceship. The main version is composed by Grant Kirkhope, with various remixes that will dynamically switch between areas of the Spaceship, composed primarily by Pascal Michael Stiefel.


Below is the list of achievements related to this area.

Image Name Description
Achievement09.jpg Fan-tastic! Hook onto a ceiling fan with the hookshot!
Achievement12.jpg Let there be light Light up the spaceship!
(Bring power back to the main hall)
Achievement17.jpg Pillow Fort Find Hat Kid's Secret Hideout!
Achievement19.jpg Return Home Collect all Timepieces!
Achievement27.jpg Vacuum Vandal Ride the vacuum!
Achievement28.jpg Why just... why...?
(use the VGS 1's search function, and input a naughty word.)



  • According to Habboi - Gears for Breakfast's 3D Lead, the letters magneted to the fridge in the kitchen actually represent the initials of the developers.
  • When the Machine Room was first restored, there are no pictures by the ramp up to the telescope. After the mission Picture Perfect however, many pictures will appear.
    • Looking closely, these pictures are similar to the ones taken by the Moon Penguins, but not exactly the same. This is because they were originally drawn by Martín Baliño - 2D Lead for Gears for Breakfast, but the version used in the act were redraws by Jenna Brown - the creative director.
  • It's possible to go outside of Hat Kid's Spaceship with console commands, though, some of the Spaceship does not have collision.
  • “Her Spaceship” - the theme that plays on the spaceship has 22 different variations. With the original being composed by Grant Kirkhope, and the rest by Pascal Michael Stiefel. (Safe for the variation that plays in the Death Wish map, which was composed by Cameron “Caero” Munoz.)
    • A Playlist to every single version found in the game files can be found here todo: upload them
  • Using the Dweller Mask inside the neon tunnel leading to the bedroom, marks of vandalism can be found, in the form of glowing scribbles by different characters.
  • Three bouncy balls can be found around the Spaceship, with one inside Hat Kid's bedroom, one inside the Mailroom, and one inside the Laundry room.
  • Using the Camera Badge, various messages from a mysterious "R. King" can be found. With all of them leading to another, eventually into a crack inside the attic, where various golden items can be found, and a final message from this character.
    • The same crack can be found in the Tour Memory Rift. However, the golden items are replaced with a pedestal of some sort.
  • Using the Dweller Mask and the Camera Badge, a secret poem, alongside with various pictures can be found inside a closet on the Attic.
    • It reads as follows:
      • Two stars
        A black hole
        Gateway of light
        The forgotten temple
        A message of hands
        Pillars of fire
        The souls of his people
        Raining sun
        The truth between two travelers of time
        A peaceful garden
        The promise of a hat
    • This, alongside the pictures, are a part of a cryptic Alternate Reality Game video series by Habboi - the 3D lead for Gears for Breakfast, dubbed the "Moleman ARG".
    • The mentioned pedestal inside the Tour Memory Rift is a reference to this.
    • A drawing depicting two clocktowers in a deserted landscape can be found on Hat Kid's fridge, also being a reference to the video series.
  • Among the childish drawings hung inside Hat Kid's bedroom is one depicting a cat pulling a train. This drawing was already present since the game's launch, years before the release of Nyakuza Metro - the chapter it's referencing.
  • New Adventure - the song that plays at the very start of the game, also has a dog variant for when Hat Kid comes near the TV.
    • With the introduction of CreatorDLC however, this can no longer be heard in a regular spaceship map.